KIKOTI.COM BLOG - ILULA IRINGA TANZANIA / 0769694963 .......................................

Jumapili, 2 Oktoba 2016

Bodi Ya Mikopo Ya Elimu Ya Juu Yatangaza Majina Ya Wanafunzi Waliokosea Kujaza Form Za Mikopo 2016/2017

During the exercise of processing 2016/2017 loan application forms, the Board has come across loan applications which are missing some vital information such as applicant’s and guarantor’s signatures. For that reason, the Board would like to inform loan applicants with such incompleteness to visit HESLB offices in Dar es Salaam.

Loan applicants and/or their guarantors who have not signed their documents are required to physically visit HESLB offices on Plot No. 8, Block No. 46 Sam Nujoma Road, Mwenge, Dar es Salaam to append signatures to their loan applications from Monday 3rd September 2016.

Loan applicants who did not attach applicant’s photo, guarantor’s photo (to their application forms) or who attached uncertified photocopies of birth certificates, academic certificates, guarantor’s particulars such as photocopy of Passport or voter’s registration cards; should send the missing particulars with covering letters indicating their full names and form four index numbers with year of completion e.g. S0143.0012.2013 via EMS through the following address:

The Executive Director,
Higher Education Students’ Loans Board,
P. O. Box 76068,

The deadline for correction of the shortcomings is Friday 7th October 2016.

All attachments must be certified by a Commissioner of Oaths.

NB:    The Board is:
•  cautioning loan applicants to be careful with some unscrupulous individuals who might take advantage of this opportunity to make financial demands.
•Reminding loan applicants that correction of missing items is not a guarantee to be awarded loans.
• Incomplete application forms will not be considered for further processing until the missing information is provided within specified time. 

*The list of loan applicants with missing signatures and other attachments can be  viewed by Clicking here

Magazeti ya Leo jumapili ya tarehe 02/10/2016

Jumamosi, 1 Oktoba 2016

Wanafunzi Waliochaguliwa Chuo Kikuu SUA 2016/2017,

 ==> Sokoine University- SUA   <<Bofya Hapa>>

Bodi Ya Mikopo Ya Elimu Ya Juu Yatangaza Majina Ya Wanafunzi Waliokosea Kujaza Form Za Mikopo 2016/2017

During the exercise of processing 2016/2017 loan application forms, the Board has come across loan applications which are missing some vital information such as applicant’s and guarantor’s signatures. For that reason, the Board would like to inform loan applicants with such incompleteness to visit HESLB offices in Dar es Salaam.

Loan applicants and/or their guarantors who have not signed their documents are required to physically visit HESLB offices on Plot No. 8, Block No. 46 Sam Nujoma Road, Mwenge, Dar es Salaam to append signatures to their loan applications from Monday 3rd September 2016.

Loan applicants who did not attach applicant’s photo, guarantor’s photo (to their application forms) or who attached uncertified photocopies of birth certificates, academic certificates, guarantor’s particulars such as photocopy of Passport or voter’s registration cards; should send the missing particulars with covering letters indicating their full names and form four index numbers with year of completion e.g. S0143.0012.2013 via EMS through the following address:

The Executive Director,
Higher Education Students’ Loans Board,
P. O. Box 76068,

The deadline for correction of the shortcomings is Friday 7th October 2016.

All attachments must be certified by a Commissioner of Oaths.

NB:    The Board is:
•  cautioning loan applicants to be careful with some unscrupulous individuals who might take advantage of this opportunity to make financial demands.
•Reminding loan applicants that correction of missing items is not a guarantee to be awarded loans.
• Incomplete application forms will not be considered for further processing until the missing information is provided within specified time. 

*The list of loan applicants with missing signatures and other attachments can be viewed through:

Magazeti ya Leo jumamosi ya tarehe 01/10/2016

Ijumaa, 30 Septemba 2016

Chadema Waahirisha Tena Maandamano ya Oparesheni UKUTA

Mwenyekiti wa Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA) Taifa, Freeman Mbowe ametangaza kuwa Operesheni UKUTA iliyokuwa ifanyike Oktoba Mosi haitofanyika tena.

Mbowe amesema hayo leo baada ya kimya cha muda mrefu tangu kuahirishwa kwa maandamano Septemba Mosi. Aidha, Mbowe amesema kuwa hawatataja tarehe ya kufanya maandamano ili kutompa adui nafasi ya kujipanga. Amesisitiza kuwa maandamano yapo, ila tarehe hawataweka hadharani.

Operesheni hii ilikuwa ifanyike Septemba Mosi mwaka huu lakini iliahirishwa ili kuwapa nafasi viongozi wa dini kuweza kukutana na kujadiliana na Rais Dkt Magufuli juu ya mustakabali wa hali ya kisiasa nchini kufuatia kuzuiwa kwa shughuli mbalimbali za kisiasa.

Hadi leo viongozi wa dini bado hawajakutana na Rais Magufuli licha ya wao kueleza kuwa Rais Magufuli hajakataa kukutana nao kama inavyoelezwa na baadhi ya vyombo vya habari