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Alhamisi, 24 Desemba 2015

Pengo kuongoza misa mkesha wa Krismasi

ASKOFU Mkuu wa Jimbo Kuu Katoliki la Dar es Salaam, Mwadhama Policapy Kardinali Pengo leo saa tatu usiku anatarajiwa kuongoza misa ya mkesha wa sikukuu ya Kuzaliwa Yesu Kristo.
Wakati Wakristo wakifanya mkesha wa Krismasi kote nchini leo, wenzao Waislamu wote nchini leo wanaadhimisha sikukuu ya kuzaliwa Mtume Muhammad (S.A.W), ambapo Kitaifa Baraza litafanyika kwenye Ukumbi wa Karimjee, Dar es Salaam kuanzia saa tisa alasiri na mgeni rasmi atakuwa Waziri Mkuu, Kassim Majaliwa.
Misa ya mkesha wa Krismasi itafanyika katika makanisa yote yaliyopo jimboni humo na kote Tanzania, lakini kwa Jimbo la Dar es Salaam, Askofu Pengo ataongoza misa hiyo katika Kanisa Katoliki la Mtakatifu Joseph.
Ratiba ya ibada hiyo iliyotolewa na Katibu wa Jimbo hilo, Padri Aidan Mubezi ilisema siku ya Krismasi ambayo ni kesho, Askofu Pengo ataadhimisha misa hiyo katika Kanisa la Mtakatifu Petro lililopo Oysterbay, Dar es Salaam.
Padre Mubezi alisema kuwa misa hiyo itaanza saa 3 asubuhi na kwamba Wakristo wote wanakaribishwa kusali katika misa hiyo. Alisema Askofu Pengo anawatakia Wakristo wote duniani sikukuu njema ya kuzaliwa Kristo na kwamba washerehekee siku hiyo kwa utulivu na amani.
Pamoja na hayo, jimbo hilo kwa kushirikiana na majimbo mengine duniani, wanasherehekee sikukuu hiyo huku wakiadhimisha mwaka wa Huruma ya Mungu uliozinduliwa hivi karibuni na Baba Mtakatifu Francis.
Alisema katika sikukuu hiyo Wakristo wote hususan Wakatoliki, wanatakiwa kufanya matendo ya huruma kwa watu wasiojiweza ili kupata baraka kutoka kwa Mwenyezi Mungu.
Kwa upande wa Waislamu, baada ya mkesha wa Maulid uliofanyika jana usiku, leo Baraza la Maulid litafanyika kwenye Ukumbi wa Karimjee, huku Mufti wa Tanzania Shehe Abubakar Zuber akiwataka Waislamu kujitokeza kwa wingi katika sherehe hizo.
Mufti Zuberi alisema ujio wa Mtume Muhammad (S.W.A) ni kudumisha amani na hekima ya kumjua Mungu.

Mawaziri wapya wanne wateuliwa

RAIS John Magufuli amemalizia kujaza nafasi za uteuzi wa Mawaziri na Naibu Waziri alizobakiza wakati akitangaza Baraza la Mawaziri la Kwanza katika awamu ya tano ya utawala wake.
Kwa mujibu wa taarifa ya Kaimu Mkurugenzi wa Mawasiliano, Ikulu, Gerson Msigwa kwa vyombo vya habari, Dar es Salaam jana, katika uteuzi wake Rais Magufuli amemteua Profesa Jumanne Maghembe kuwa Waziri wa Maliasili na Utalii.
Aidha, Dk Philip Mpango aliyekuwa Kaimu Kamishna Mkuu wa Mamlaka ya Mapato Tanzania (TRA), ameteuliwa kuwa Waziri wa Fedha na Mipango. Amemteua kuwa Mbunge na kumteua pia kuwa Waziri.
Rais Magufuli pia amemtangaza Profesa Makame Mbarawa kuwa Waziri mpya wa Ujenzi, Uchukuzi na Mawasiliano, akimhamisha kutoka Wizara ya Maji na Umwagiliaji. Naibu Waziri wa zamani wa Ujenzi, Gerson Lwenge ameteuliwa kuwa Waziri wa Maji na Umwagiliaji.
Aliyeteuliwa kuwa Waziri wa Elimu, Sayansi, Teknolojia na Ufundi ni Dk Joyce Ndalichako ambaye mapema jana aliteuliwa kuwa Mbunge. Dk Ndalichako aliwahi kuwa Katibu Mtendaji wa Baraza na Mitihani la Taifa (NECTA).
Katika uteuzi wake mwingine, Rais Magufuli amemteua Hamad Masauni kuwa Naibu Waziri wa Mambo ya Ndani ya Nchi. Waziri wake ni Charles Kitwanga. Rais Magufuli, Desemba 9 mwaka huu alitangaza kuunda wizara 18 zenye mawaziri 19. Mawaziri hao na wizara zao kwenye mabano ni George Simbachawene na Angela Kairuki (Ofisi ya Rais-Tamisemi, Utumishi na Utawala Bora) wakati Naibu wa wizara hiyo na Selemani Jaffo.
Wengine ni Mwigulu Nchemba (Kilimo, Mifugo na Uvuvi) na Naibu wake ni William ole Nasha, Jenista Mhagama (Sera, Bunge, Kazi, Vijana, Ajira na Walemavu), Balozi Augustine Mahiga (Mambo ya Nje na Afrika Mashariki). Naibu wake ni Dk Suzan Kolimba.
William Lukuvi (Wizara ya Ardhi, Nyumba na Maendeleo ya Makazi) ambaye Naibu wake ni Angelina Mabula, Ummy Mwalimu (Waziri wa Afya, Jinsia, Wazee na Watoto) na Naibu wake ni Dk Hamisi Kigwangalla.
Waziri wa Nishati na Madini ni Profesa Sospeter Muhongo ambaye Naibu wake ameteuliwa Dk Medard Kalemani. Waziri wa Katiba na Sheria ni Dk Harison Mwakyembe na Waziri wa Ulinzi ni Dk Hussein Mwinyi.
Aidha, Nape Nnauye aliteuliwa kuwa Waziri wa Habari na Michezo na Naibu wake ni Anastazia Wambura. January Makamba aliteuliwa Waziri katika Ofisi ya Makamu wa Rais (Muungano na Mazingira) na Naibu wake ni Luhaga Mpina.
Katika uteuzi wa awali, Rais Magufuli alimteua Charles Mwijage kuwa Waziri wa Viwanda, Biashara na Uwekezaji. Wengine walioteuliwa kuwa Naibu Mawaziri, wakati wizara zao zikisubiri mawaziri kamili ni Edwin Ngonyani (Ujenzi, Uchukuzi na Mawasiliano), Ashantu Kijaji (Wizara ya Fedha), Ramo Makani (Maliasili na Utalii) na Stella Manyanya (Elimu, Sayansi, Teknolojia na Ufundi).
Naibu Waziri mwingine ni Isack Kamwela wa Maji na Umwagiliaji. Wakati huo huo, Katibu Mkuu, Wizara ya Ardhi, Nyumba na Maendeleo ya Makazi, Alphayo Kidata ameteuliwa kuwa Kaimu Kamishna Mkuu wa TRA.
“Mbali ya kukamilisha uteuzi wa Baraza lake la Mawaziri, Rais Magufuli pia amewatakia heri Watanzania wote katika Sikukuu za Maulid, Krismasi na Mwaka Mpya na kuwataka washerehekee kwa amani na utulivu,” ilieleza taarifa hiyo ya Ikulu.


Nawatakieni watazamaji na wasomaji wa blog hii furaha na amani katika sikukuu hizi za MAULIDI, KRISMASI NA MWAKA MPYA ni matumaini yangu kwamba mwaka tuliouaga ulikuwa ni wa mafanikio na wenye heri na baraka tele bila kusahau changamototulizopata . tumuombe mungu atujarie baraka katika mwaka ujao 2016 uwe na baraka tele na tufanye kazi kwa juhudi zote

happy new year to all.

BY kikot blog managements

Jumatatu, 21 Desemba 2015


Crisis in capitalist countries were the conflict which occurred in Europe and America and spraed world wide. This crisis includes:

1. First world war(ww1)

2. Great economic depression(GED)

3. Second world war(WW2)
FIRIST WORLD WAR was the greatest imperialist war which occurred between two camps triple alliance and triple entente and fought between 28/7/1914 up to the 11/11/1918.

TRIPLE ALLIENCE INCLUDE: Germany, Italy, Austria Hungary and turkey

TRIPLE ENTENTE INCLUDE: British, France and Russia with full support from U.S.A and JAPAN.


This war was a root of many political and economic tendencies of the big capitalist nation.


1. Development of capitalist in Europe ,after the development of capitalism in Europe all European nation started to struggle so as to get the demand of their industrial such as raw material, market, cheap labour, and areas for investment, this struggle for the resources led to land conflict which resulted to the war.

2. Rise of nationalism, after completion of European unification especially in British and Germany led the capability of expansion and acquire more colonies in Africa and other part of the world this led the conflict with other imperialist nation which were also interested in potential colonies example French hence war.

3. Dissatisfaction of territorial arrangement, by the 19th c almost were under big capitalist nation but the division of the colonies were never satisfied with their political and territory boundary in their given colonies hence imperialist nation started eying other territories with the aim of expand to annex them for example .British was interested in Mesopotamia, Iraq, and Palestine which were the territory of turkey also Germany interested in Ukraine and Baltic which were under French hence war

4. Development of military alliance ,European developed the military union hence made them trust to fight together against the common enemies

5. Moroccan crisis in 1904 and 19011, this conflict was between Germany and French which planted by the Franco Prussia war 1840-1870.germany attempting not primary to keep France out of the morocco but the conference of 1906 which attended by British and supported the French claims in morocco so conflict between Germany and British and France.

6. Assassination of archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo the capital city of Bosnia , on June 28, 1918 a young Bosnian revolutionary and the member of secrete society known as union death or black death by the name of Gavilo princip assassinate Ferdinand who would soon became the emperor (king) of Austrian throne after that Australian sent drastic ultimatum to the Serbia captain in Belgrade demanding satisfactory other within fourth eight (48) hours, the Australian ultimatum contain three demand :

-Serbia was to explain for the assassination and suppress all societies organizing ant Austrian propaganda

-Serbia was to dismiss all officials to whom Austrian suspect to have involved in murder

-Austrian officials and police were to be permitted to take a part of investigation and punishing the course of the assassination

NOTE: Serbia accept all near term that were given out except third condition that they should allow Austrian official to take part of investigation and suggest that third term should be subjected by international court of justice at the Hague from that Austrian declared the war on Serbia on 28, July 1914 and world war began.
Other causes of ww1 include

· Franco Prussia war1870-1871

· Balkan crisis

· Russian expansionism

· Germany unification.


o Depopulation

o Destruction of infrastructure

o Led to the great economic depression

o Led to formation of dictatorship regime

o Formation of league of nation of 1919


o Cultural reason, British colonized America so wanted to help British so as to avoid shy.

o USA was a chief supplier of food ad weapons to triple entente

o The USA president ambition of creating peace and security

o Germany sunk of USA submarines in march 1917(u-boat)


Was an economic problems which was affected the whole world especially capitalist countries like USA, British, Germany

o The effect of the first world war, this war ended and left the capitalist countries with a lot of debt to pay to USA which provided as an assistance during the war

o Over production and under consumption of commodities, this was both industrial countries and colonies so all good produced lack a market

o Unequal distribution of income in the capitalist world , normally capitalist aimed at profit in produced goods some areas got more income than other so fail to balance the income

o Fall rate of profit, profit for goods produced decline hence tax tend to decrease

o Closure of industries, due to unprofitable of produced goods led more industries to close hence rise the problems of produced raw material

o The fall of stock exchange in USA ,this was the areas where different businessman and seller buy different goods but most of the stock in USA closed and fall down cause the decline of trade.


o Fall of price of African raw materials

o Unemployment

o Increase of taxation

o Intensification of exploitation under the company grow more and sell me

o Low wages and salaries to both workers and labourers.


o Unemployment

o Decline of financial institution

o Decline of trade

o Decline of industries

o Over production

Was the second imperialist war fought between the axis power allies or democratic forces, this war was fought with the aim of dividing and re-dividing the world to among the impeliast nation the war fought in 01/09/1939 up to 02/09/1945
Was the complex wide spread and deadly war in the history because use advanced technology in fighting

Axis power include GERMANY, ITALY, JAPAN and AUSTRIA

Allies power include BRITIAN, FRENCH, RUSSIA and USA


Effect of great economic depression

Rise of dictatorship in Europe

Failure of league of nation

Weakness of Versailles treat

Development of military alliances

Germany invasion in Poland

Economic rivalry of imperialist nation


Intensification of exploitation of African human resources

Influx of whitmen in Africa

Cut down of colonial expenditure

Introduction of new agricultural policies

Introduction of colonial development plan and scheme such as Nile

Change of colonial labour and mechanization in agriculture

Intensification of African nationalism

Led to the formation of UNO in 1945

Emergence of USA as a superpower

Collapse of European capitalist economy

Emergence of USA dominance

Formation of UNO IN 1945

Creation of multilateral financial institution IMF and WOLD BANK


Destruction of infrastructure

Division of the world into two camps CAPITALIST and SOCIALIST Spread of socialism ideologies

Mkuu wa Upelelezi TANAPA achinjwa

POLISI mkoani Arusha imewatia mbaroni watu wawili wanaohusishwa na tukio la kuuawa kinyama kwa kuchinjwa shingo kwa Mkuu wa Idara ya Upelelezi ya Ulinzi wa Shirika la Hifadhi za Taifa (TANAPA), Stephen Kisamo.
Kifo cha Kisamo kinahusishwa na mambo mengi yakiwemo vita ya kupambana na ujangili, ikielezwa mkuu huyo alikuwa na siri nzito juu ya watu wanaojihusisha na ujangili wakiwemo wafanyabiashara wakubwa wa ndani na nje ya Arusha, watumishi wa serikali na wanasiasa.
Habari kutoka ndani ya Jeshi la Polisi Arusha zilieleza tayari imewatia ndani watu wawili ambao ni marafiki wakubwa wa Kisamo na wanajua siri nzito kutokana na kunaswa kwa mawasiliano ya simu ya kiganjani kati ya marehemu na watu fulani muda mfupi kabla ya mauti kumfika ambao polisi inawachunguza kwa karibu.
“Wasiliana na Kamanda wa Polisi Mkoa wa Arusha, Liberatus Sabas sisi tumeshakamata watu wawili wa karibu na marehemu na sms na mawasiliano yanatia shaka, lakini ukweli utajulikana muda si mrefu,” kilieleza chanzo chetu cha habari ndani ya Jeshi la Polisi.
Kamanda Sabas alithibitisha kutokea kwa mauaji hayo Desemba 18, mwaka huu asubuhi katika eneo la Kikwakwaru jijini Arusha muda mfupi baada ya Kisamo kutoka nyumbani kwake akiwa na gari aina ya Mazda.
Hata hivyo, jana hakupatikana kuelezea kukamatwa kwa watu hao wawili baada ya simu yake ya kiganjani kuita bila ya mafanikio, lakini mwandishi wa gazeti alithibitishiwa na maofisa wa Polisi Arusha kuwa watuhumiwa hao wamekamatwa, lakini wao si wasemaji wa jeshi hilo Arusha.
Awali, Sabas alisema siku hiyo hiyo jioni alifika kituoni hapo mke wa marehemu na kueleza juu ya kutoweka kwa mumewe ambapo mara moja polisi walianza kufuatilia jambo hilo bila mafanikio.
Kamanda Sabas alisema usiku, Polisi ilipokea taarifa kutoka kwa raia wema wa eneo hilo la Kikwakwaru kuhusu kuonekana kwa gari hilo likiwa limeegeshwa maeneo hayo kwa muda mrefu bila kuonekana mtu yeyote ambapo walifika na kulikuta gari hilo, lililovutwa hadi katika Kituo Kikuu cha Polisi usiku huo na baadaye lilitambuliwa na mke wa Kisamo.
Baadaye walirejea eneo la tukio kwa lengo la kutafuta mwili wa marehemu huyo, lakini hawakufanikiwa kuupata mwili wala kumuona kachero huyo ambapo walilazimika kuomba ruhusa ya kupekua gari hilo.
Alisema baada ya kuomba ruhusa hiyo, mke wa marehemu alipowasilisha ufunguo wa akiba wa gari na Polisi walipofungua na kuanza upekuzi walikuta mwili wa marehemu ukiwa umekunjwa kwenye buti, huku shingo yake ikiwa imechinjwa eneo la nyuma ya shingo yake.
Aidha, Kamanda Sabas alisema kwa mujibu wa maelezo ya mkewe, mumewe alikuwa mgonjwa na alikuwa akijiandaa kwa safari ya India kwa matibabu, hivyo kabla ya tukio walidhani alitekeleza gari baada ya kuzidiwa na ugonjwa.
Mwili wake umehifadhiwa katika Hospitali ya Mkoa wa Arusha ya Mount Meru


TIMU ya soka ya Azam FC imezidi kujiimarisha zaidi katika msimamo wa Ligi Kuu Tanzania Bara baada ya kuifunga Majimaji ya Songea mabao 2-0 katika mechi iliyochezwa kwenye uwanja wa Majimaji.
Matokeo hayo yanaipa timu hiyo pointi tatu muhimu zinazoiweka kwenye nafasi ya pili katika msimamo wa ligi ikiwa na pointi 29 nyuma ya Yanga inayoongoza ligi kwa pointi 30 lakini ikiwa mbele kwa mechi moja.
Mabao ya Azam iliyokuwa ikipewa nafasi kubwa ya kushinda mchezo huo yote yalifungwa katika kipindi cha kwanza. Ame Ali alifunga bao la kuongoza katika dakika ya 10 huku mwenzake Didier Kavumbagu akifunga katika dakika ya 20.
Mchezo huo ulichezwa huku kukiwa na mvua kubwa iliyosababisha mpira kukwama kwenye madimbwi ya maji uwanjani. Ligi hiyo ilichezwa tena kwenye uwanja wa Karume Ilala Dar es Salaam ambapo wenyeji JKT Ruvu walilazimishwa sare ya mabao 2-2 na Coastal Union.
Mabao ya Coastal yalifungwa na Miraji Selema katika dakika ya 20 na Nassoro Kapama dakika ya 75. Wafungaji wa JKT ni Musa Juma katika dakika ya 61 na Samuel Kamuntu katika dakika ya 63.

Jumamosi, 19 Desemba 2015

INTRODUCTION: concept of research
Research derived from the French word “recherché” which means to search
So research defined as  Is the act of inquiring making experiment, gathering, or investigating information aimed at discovering new theories and laws.
OR  Is a systematic investigation and study of materials in order to establish fact and reach conclusion
GENELLARY: research is the systematic and scientific process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data from the field or from a certain phenomenon.

- To search for the new knowledge or to be familiar with a phenomenon.
- To gain familiarity with a certain phenomenon
-To develop theories about a social economic phenomenon
- To test hypothesis so as to find out the reliability and validity with the given cultural setting
-To make evaluation of a certain issues
- to reveal accurate features of certain aspects of social life
- test or approve hypotheses of casual relationships between phenomena

- Importance of Research
- Provides policy makers with accurate information about the subject matter
- used to provide accurate solutions to social problems, used to direct social activities,
-providing reliable information to the data bank,
- members of society become well informed about their society
- remove preconceived ideas in the researchers mind
-creates a spirit of investigation,
-finds accurate solutions to problems,
- provides sources for future
-It allows the identification of problems and finds it is solution.
- It bring awareness in the societies about the social problems
- It emphasize on the prediction of the future of the society
  -Helps in solving different conflict in the societies example land conflict.
Types of research according to the aim or purpose of research:
i. Basic/pure research
ii. Applied research
iii. Evaluative research
iv. Analytical research
v. Fundamental research

i. Basic /pure research is the types of research which is conducted to correct, advance or develop a certain scientific knowledge always done through implication of theories
ii. Applied research , is the types of research used to seek specific knowledge necessary to find the solution to solve a certain problems in the society
iii. Evaluative research is the types of research which is conducted with the purpose to measure or asses the achievement of a certain scientific purpose
iv. Analytical research is the types of research uses fact already available and so analyses this fact to make critical evaluation of the materials
v. Fundamental research is types of research aim the studies of life processes that are universal in their application to scientific knowledge.

i. Qualitative research - is the types of research concern with qualitative phenomenon, - it applicable to the phenomenon that can be expressed in term of quality , - the data gathered are purely in form of description being that why sometimes called descriptive research/- Deals with the quality of a phenomenon.
ii. Quantitative research. Is the research that applicable to phenomenon that can be expressed in term of quantity like population data/ Research which deals with the measurement of quantity or amount in numerical form.
Other types of research include:
- Empirical research Is the research based on experimentation or observation -
 Conceptual research is the research based on concept or theory that describe or explain phenomenon
Ø Exploratory research is the research based on the extensive investigation or is the research conducted for the problem that is not clearly defined
Research Tools
- Methods of data collection including
· observation,
· interviews,
· questionnaires
1) Problems identification or formulation of research problems
2) Literature review or statement of objective
3) Formulation of hypothesis
4) Preparation for the field work
5) Actual field research
6) Data analysis
7) Hypothesis testing
8) Presentation of data
9) Report writing
1) Problems identification is the title of the topic to be discussed or topic where the research focus example a study of land form in the areas around the schools
2) Literature review or statements of the objective. - Involves the finding of the more detail aspect of the problems to be studied. - Possible process involved in the formation of such land form. - Economic importance of that land form. - Relationship of that land form and soil from different written documents
3) Formulation of hypothesis is the tentative answer to the problems is a theories which has not yet approved there are two types of hypothesis:
Null hypothesis is the statement which started in negatives form example you formulate that there has no relationship between land form and soil;
Alternatives hypothesis is the statement which started in positively example there is a relationship between land form and soils.
4) Preparation for the field work before going up the field work the following process should be done
- Researcher should seek permission from the authority within the school and were he/ she want to visit
- Pre visits
- Cost
- Time
- School calendar
- Preparation of research equipments
Familiarize learners or researcher
Help the researcher to decide the kind of equipment to be used
Help in identification of problems those researchers likely to be encountered during the research process.
Help to estimate cost
Help to design working schedules
5) Actual field research - involves data collection
-the aim of doing research is to get information to be used to explain any phenomenon this information known as research data
Research data divided into two
a) Primary data
b) Secondary data
a)primary data is the original or fresh data collected by researcher direct from the field, primary data can be collected through ;
i. Observation method is the research data which involves the researcher use his/her own eye in learning, testing and smelling during the collection of data. In this case use his/her own eye to look at the phenomenon and record what is seen.

A researcher can determine the behavior and mood of respondents
Suitable even to illiterate people
void report bias
Overcome language behavior
First hand information are easily collected
A researcher gets to know ideas of the group he/she observing or studying.
Misinterpretation of what observed
It is cost fully in term of time and money and sometimes involves risk talking especially when your observing something wrong
The disable people cannot work easily example blind people.
Is the verbal interaction between interviewer and interviewee. Designing a list of question and asking respondents this done in two ways
Face to face interview
Telephone interview
A researcher can get first hand information
Provide in depth data which is not possible to get through questionnaire
It is not restricted to literacy people only, used to the whole group in the societies.
A researcher can participate in change the mood of the respondents.
Interview can also employ other method such as observation technique.
· It is time consuming
· Data collected are difficult to analyze
· Bias and untruth
· It cannot provide reliable information
· It is cost fully
Interview can be analyzed in two ways
Unstructured interview and structured interview.
Unstructured interview is the interview in which there is no special set of question that the interviewer ask when interviewing
Structured interview is the types of interview in which interviewer had a set of question that asked to all respondents
Is a set of question written and then submitted to respondent and respondents supposed to answer it, they consist the list of question concern the topic
· Data can be collected as the first hand
· It saves time especially when a close ended question is used
· Easily to analyze data
· Low cost
· Respondents are in great chance of expression
· It avoids bias.
· It used only to literacy people
· The question may not being understood there for the respondent may provide wrong data
· Cheating may be involved
· Respondent may dislike in answering the questions
· It is time consuming
v Close ended questionnaire
v Open ended questionnaire

Close ended questionnaire is the types of question which a compared by a list of all possible alternatives answers example yes or no question: QUESTION INCLUDE DO YOU GROW MAIZE IN FARMS.
v Easier to analyze since they are in immediate useable form.
v Easier to administer or to organize because each items followed by alternatives answer
v They are economically to use since they saves time and cost.
v They are more difficult to construct because categories must be well structured
v The responses question are limited and respondent is completely for answer question without explanations
This refers to the questions which gives respondents completely freedom responses. These questions include WHAT CROPS YOU GROW.
v They permit a great response when respondent asked the question.
v Simple to formulate mainly because the research do not have common answer
v May gives insight and wide expression
v It stimulate personal thinking
v There is a tendency of providing information which does not reflect to the aim of research
v It is time consuming because it need more explanation
6. DATA ANALYSIS data collected should be analyzed in order to remove unnecessary materials.
7. HYPOTHESIS TESTING. After the data analysis collect the research needs to test the hypothesis formulated the questions here is that the data collected support hypothesis
8. PRESENTATION OF DATA. After getting correct information about the study topic the analyzed data is interpreted and presented in different statistical graphs and what it can be understood to everyone.
9. REPORT WRITING At the end of research , the researcher has to prepare report of what has been done, the research finding has to be presented to the public
Report writing should include the following;
- TITLE it deals with the topic of your research
- CONTENTS should be organized in chapters thing that you write
- Preface objective the things that you write.
- Acknowledgements other contribution from other people
- Introduction of topics
- Abbreviation and meaning of key terms
- Reference of the book bibliography
· Sample is the representative information from a given population
· Sampling is the process of obtaining sample ,
Is the technique used in data collection where by a representation portion of phenomenon under research is selected and analyzed
Selection of representatives in the population is essential because the study of the total population may be expansive and time consuming.
Random sampling
Systematic sampling
Stratified sampling
Snowball sampling
Accidentally sampling
Is the selection of an individual into interplay to a choice where every people had a chance to be selected example the researcher need the population from the people of 100 so everyone had a chance of been selected.
This method is usefully in the areas where the number of population is large and unevenly population.
It minimize bias tendency for the part of research
It reduce misunderstanding to among the population

A poor selection of sample can led mislead information
Are the types of sampling techniques in which selection of individual done in regular form example after every three people you select one personal.
Accurate representation is done
It reduce the element of bias
It is easily to be conducted
It will involves the selection of the people who base
Sometimes sample selected may not consider the ratio of sex, and age.
Some respondent may not be aware about the research topic
Are the types of sampling which involves the selection of sample on the bases of group or categories of similar elements of the phenomenon. This classification may base on age, education status, or tribes bases.
It considers a large number of samples so it is easily to get the facts.
The fact obtained because different strata participate
It reduce time consuming
Poor organization may led to inaccurate data
Some time people may contain the same idea.
NECTA 2008 Qn no 5
In 2007, form four students from kibaigwa secondary schools conducted a research about road accident between Morogoro and Dodoma. Finally they submitted the report to the head of school.
a) What were the main three (3) objectives of the research?
b) Propose three (3) methods which might be used to collect.
c) Explain three (3) problems that possibly faced them when collecting the data.
Necta 2010 Qn no 5
Hypothesis formulation can be used in both qualitative and quantities research. Example the problems faced in hypothesis formulation.
NECTA 2011 Qn no 5
a) What is hypothesis formulation?
b) Explain the importance of hypothesis in research.
Research Proposal
- A systematic plan which plans what will be needed to accomplish the main objective of the research
Functions of a research proposal
· Guideline to show how to proceed with a project,
· shows where the research should end,
· shows how the research will be evaluated in the future
Components of a research proposal
· title,
· problem and setting,
· hypothesis,
· literature review
· work plan,
· budget chart,
· references
Qualities of a good research proposal
- Should be clearly written,
- precise,
- reasonable length,
- worth time/money being used

By teacher kikoti m